Monday, June 29, 2009

Misc. Updates

A few minutes ago the handle on the driver door of my car broke off in my hand. I heard a few small components clink their way into the nether regions of the door itself. Which means, of course, that it's time to get back on the praise bandwagon, raise my eyes to the Lord, and trust Him to resolve this and other incidental nuisances that have been falling into my lap like fiery arrows.

Without further ado...

25 June 2009
Another day of visitation. Again it was rife with personal and confidential moments between fellow members of our church family. This time we stayed in the Yarmouth area, whereas we had trekked to Argyle the day before. AJ and I enjoyed a nice lunch meeting with Matt B., but there were certainly a few other highlights throughout the day.

26 June 2009
I had an appointment with my doctor to discuss the results of X-rays taken a month prior. It turns out that my spine, which has some abnormal curvatures, is not quite as bad as the physical exam suggested. I did find out I have lowered bone density, however, which runs in the family. My physician was also concerned about the kidney episode (already mentioned in this blog), so he gave me referral forms for an ultrasound, as well as for a bone density test. And here is where I would like to make explicit mention of just how diligently God has been parting the waves for me, which He will no doubt accomplish regarding my student loan application (prayers welcome!) and all the other outstanding issues. Normally it takes 2-3 months to book an ultrasound, which would not accommodate my move in August. But thanks to a wonderful godincidence I was able to return to the hospital three hours later, so that test was taken care of the very same day! My bone density test was earlier this afternoon.

I also need a bite plate, as I grind my teeth in my sleep, and God reduced the cost of that to 25% of what my dentist first told me. Praise Him!

28 June 2009
We had a nice morning service at church, after which I served with two Christian brothers at the local jail. We brought the gospel to some of the inmates, and it remains one of my favourite ministries in the whole world. Hopefully there will be an opportunity to pursue this in Saskatchewan. That evening I visited with Matt B. after he had put his kids to bed. We chatted about many things until midnight or so. I realize some of these things may seem like trifling matters to unbelievers, but I assure you waking up in the morning is a tremendous blessing, let alone opportunities to fellowship with wonderful people over the course of a given day. God ought to be recognized for the simple things as well as the elaborate.

29 June 2009
So yeah, I am a little bummed out about my car, but there are some positives to report from today. I received some encouraging news from a former coworker, and I also had some textbooks waiting for me when I got home from Yarmouth. Looking forward to digging into those and getting a head start on my return to school.

May God be praised for all these wonderful things, and for all the things He's done and doing in your lives!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)

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